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Coming Spring Semester!

Hello Fellow Educators!

This spring semester holds a lot of opportunities for members and kids!! Some important details are:

We have CONFERENCE to attend! YAY! So excited! Wanna come? Email Brittany Hipple (President) for information in ways to sign up!

We have RELAY FOR LIFE!!! Sadly this date falls on the same weekend of conference, but I can promise you S-PSEA will still be the coolest table at the event! Sign up on Relay for Life's website for more information!

EGG HUNT is coming!! I can't think of a more fun day! Setting up Easter egg hunts for all ages to play! It's magical! Come join us rain or shine for an event that will knock your socks off!


Feel free to contact Brittany Hipple for the latest updates on t-shirt sales!!! YOUR CHOICE MINT GREEN OR CORAL! The choice is amazing!

S-PSEA has lots going on and I am so pumped for the opportunity to be with kids and make their lives that much better!

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